Ink and Apocalypse: How Writing as a Hobby Survives the End Times

Greetings, fellow survivors and scribblers! In the wake of the apocalypse, where chaos reigns and survival instincts kick in, let’s take a moment to explore the enduring charm of writing as a hobby. In this confident and casual exploration, we’ll unravel the ways in which the written word not only survives but thrives in the post-apocalyptic landscape.

1. Chronicles of the Collapse: As the world transforms, so does the art of storytelling. Imagine chronicling the apocalypse, penning down tales of resilience, survival, and the human spirit.

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In the absence of digital distractions, writing becomes a timeless endeavor, capturing the essence of a world reborn.

2. Post-Apocalyptic Poetry: Poetry takes on new life amid the ruins. The stark beauty of devastation, the echoes of lost cities, and the resilience of survivors—all find expression in the rhythmic cadence of post-apocalyptic poetry. It becomes a therapeutic outlet, a way to process the emotions that come with navigating the aftermath.

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3. Crafting Survival Guides: Writing transforms into a practical skill as survivors draft their own survival guides. Whether it’s detailing makeshift medical treatments, outlining effective foraging techniques, or sharing strategies for navigating the changed world, the written word becomes a crucial tool for sharing knowledge and ensuring the survival of future generations.

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4. Letters to Nowhere: In a world where distance and separation are constants, survivors turn to the art of letter writing. Penning heartfelt messages to long-lost friends or family, even if the recipients may never read them, becomes a therapeutic act—a way to cope with the weight of solitude.

5. Apocalypse Authors’ Society: Picture a group of survivors forming a makeshift book club or writers’ society, sharing their written works around a campfire. It becomes a communal experience, where storytelling transcends individual narratives, fostering a sense of connection and shared history.

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6. Journaling the Journey: Individual survivors take up journaling, chronicling their personal journeys through the apocalypse. These journals serve as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, capturing the highs and lows of survival, and offering a glimpse into the psyche of those who navigate the post-apocalyptic world.

7. The Last Library: In the remnants of a world that once valued libraries, survivors create a last bastion of knowledge—a makeshift library. Writing becomes a means of preserving the collective wisdom of humanity, ensuring that the written word endures even when technology falters.

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8. Trading Tales for Rations: In a barter-based economy, where resources are scarce, the ability to spin a good yarn becomes a valuable currency. Survivors trade stories for rations, and the most skilled wordsmiths can secure not just sustenance but a sense of community through their storytelling prowess.

9. Apocalypse Author Merchandise: Survivors with a knack for branding turn their written works into merchandise. Think post-apocalyptic bestsellers emblazoned on makeshift T-shirts or survival guides printed on durable, weather-resistant material—because who said the end of the world can’t have a merch table?

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10. The Legacy of the Written Word: As the apocalypse reshapes the world, the written word becomes a lasting legacy. Stories, poems, survival guides, and personal journals penned in the aftermath form a tapestry of human experience. The written word survives not just as a hobby but as a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

Conclusion: In the ink-stained aftermath of the apocalypse, writing as a hobby evolves into a powerful force. From chronicling survival strategies to weaving tales of resilience, the written word becomes a cornerstone of post-apocalyptic culture. So, fellow survivors, grab your pens, repurpose those notebooks, and let the art of writing guide you through the unraveling chapters of the apocalypse. Happy writing! 📝

The Ultimate Showdown: Home Office vs. Zombie-Infested Office

Picture this: the zombie apocalypse is upon us, and while the undead are stumbling through the streets, you’re faced with a crucial decision – where do you work? Home office or the good old traditional office? Let’s break it down in this epic battle of productivity, survival, and questionable workplace snacks.

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The Homefront: Working from home during a zombie apocalypse might sound like a no-brainer (pun intended), but is it really the best choice? On the bright side, you’re already in your pajamas, which doubles as an impromptu zombie camouflage. Plus, you can turn your living room into a fortress with furniture barricades – take that, brain-hungry creatures!

Pros of the Home Office:

  1. No Commute: Forget about fighting off the undead during rush hour – your commute is now a leisurely stroll from your bedroom to your home office. Just watch out for that pesky zombie neighbor.
  2. Unlimited Snacks: Raiding your own kitchen means you have an endless supply of snacks. Need a pick-me-up during that important video call? No problem – just grab a handful of chips and carry on like a zombie-fighting pro.
  3. Personalized Workspace: Decorate your workspace with all the quirky, motivational, or downright weird items that inspire you. Your desk, your rules – even if those rules involve a rubber chicken as a stress ball.
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Cons of the Home Office:

  1. Isolation: While Zoom meetings are a great way to stay connected, nothing beats the water cooler chat or the camaraderie of office banter. Working from home might leave you feeling like the last human on Earth, surrounded by the walking dead.
  2. Distractions Galore: Pets, family members, and the lure of Netflix can turn your home office into a battleground of distractions. Finding the balance between work and fending off zombies might be trickier than expected.

The Traditional Office: Now, let’s not underestimate the power of the classic office space in the face of a zombie apocalypse. It might seem like an unconventional choice, but there’s more to the 9-to-5 grind than meets the eye.

Pros of the Traditional Office:

  1. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: When zombies attack, there’s strength in numbers. Your office mates can be your allies in the fight against the undead. Just make sure to choose colleagues with good cardio – you never know when you’ll have to make a run for it.
  2. Office Supplies as Weapons: Forget the baseball bat – grab that stapler! Offices are treasure troves of improvised weapons.
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    From paper reams to whiteboard markers, you’ll be equipped to face the apocalypse head-on.
  3. Structured Routine: A regular office routine might be the anchor you need in a world gone mad. Clock in, save the world, clock out – it’s a simple formula for survival.

Cons of the Traditional Office:

  1. Commute Nightmare: Getting to the office might involve navigating through hordes of zombies, and public transportation is now a risky adventure. Forget about a smooth morning commute – it’s more like a marathon of the living dead.
  2. Limited Resources: Forget about raiding your fridge or grabbing a quick nap on your couch. Office life means relying on the office vending machine for sustenance and sleeping under your desk for a power nap.

In the epic battle of home office vs. traditional office during a zombie apocalypse, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It all comes down to personal preferences, survival instincts, and how well you can swing a stapler.

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Whether you choose the comfort of your home sanctuary or the chaotic but resourceful traditional office, one thing’s for sure – the undead better watch out for your unbeatable blend of productivity and zombie-slaying prowess!

Autumn Apocalypse: Embracing the Fall Vibes in New England

Greetings, fellow survivors and autumn enthusiasts! As we navigate the post-apocalyptic landscape, it’s essential to find moments of solace and beauty amidst the chaos.

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In this confident and casual exploration, let’s dive into the unique experience of fall in New England and how it intertwines with the challenges of surviving in the aftermath.

1. The Symphony of Colors: As the apocalypse reshapes our world, nature takes on a new form of resilience. In New England, fall paints a vibrant masterpiece with the changing foliage. The fiery reds, golden yellows, and rustic oranges create a post-apocalyptic kaleidoscope, reminding us that beauty endures even in the most challenging times.

2. Foraging in the Foliage: While supermarkets may be scarce, New England’s fall offers a bounty of foraging opportunities. Edible treasures like apples, cranberries, and nuts become essential resources for the savvy survivor.

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Embrace the art of foraging against the backdrop of picturesque autumn landscapes.

3. Cozy Apocalypse Cabins: New England’s charming cabins and cottages, once a haven for fall getaways, now serve as potential shelters in the apocalypse. Picture yourself huddled by a fireplace, sipping on makeshift pumpkin spice concoctions, and finding warmth amid the cooling temperatures.

4. Apocalypse Apple Picking: Apple orchards, once bustling with families on crisp fall weekends, now stand as quiet havens for survivors. Engage in the therapeutic act of apple picking, filling your makeshift baskets with a variety of apples to add sweetness to your post-apocalyptic diet.

5. Pumpkins, Apocalypse-Style: The iconic pumpkin patches of New England take on a new significance in the apocalypse. Beyond their decorative allure, pumpkins become valuable resources – from nutritious pumpkin flesh to makeshift containers and even DIY lanterns for those dark autumn nights.

6. Apocalypse Hiking Trails: New England’s renowned hiking trails transform into survival routes through the autumnal wilderness. Hike through fallen leaves, enjoying the crisp air and finding hidden gems like freshwater sources and potential shelter locations.

7. Crafting with Nature’s Bounty: Channel your creativity by crafting with the materials that fall provides. Build sturdy shelters using fallen branches and leaves, fashion makeshift clothing from durable foliage, and use acorns and pinecones for decorative elements.

8. Fall Fashion for Survivors: As temperatures drop, embrace fall fashion in the apocalypse. Layer up with cozy flannels, repurpose scarves for added warmth, and don your sturdiest boots for navigating the changing terrain. Who says survival can’t be stylish?

9. Apocalypse Harvest Feasts: In the spirit of fall traditions, gather your survivor community for a harvest feast. Share the spoils of foraging, cook hearty stews with gathered ingredients, and celebrate the resilience of life in the midst of the apocalypse.

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10. The Call of the Apocalypse Wild: Fall in New England beckons survivors to reconnect with the wild. Learn to identify edible mushrooms, track wildlife for potential game, and tap into the primal instincts that fall’s natural beauty awakens.

As we navigate the post-apocalyptic reality, fall in New England becomes a tapestry of survival and beauty. From foraging in the foliage to crafting with nature’s bounty, embrace the resilience of nature as it mirrors your own.

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As the leaves fall, let them be a reminder that life persists, and with a touch of New England fall magic, we can thrive even in the aftermath. Happy apocalypse adventuring! 🍁

Map-Making 101: Navigating the Apocalypse

Alright, survivors-in-training, listen up! The end of the world is nigh, and you’re thinking, “How the heck do I navigate this post-apocalyptic maze?

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” Fear not, because today we’re delving into the art of map-making – a skill that’s more crucial than knowing which canned goods are the tastiest. So, grab your compass, dust off your sense of adventure, and let’s craft a map that even Indiana Jones would be proud of – casual, comedic, and confidently crafted.
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Step 1: Gear Up Like a Cartographic Boss: Before you embark on your cartographic journey, make sure you’ve got the essentials. A backpack, some paper, a few pens, a compass (because you’re not Magellan), and, of course, a snack – because map-making works up an appetite. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, throw in a hat for that explorer aesthetic.

Step 2: The Great Reconnaissance Mission: Time to channel your inner spy. Sneak around your area, take notes, and observe. Mark down significant landmarks – like that really gnarled tree that looks like it’s flipping off the sky. Note potential resources, danger zones (zombie nests, anyone?), and, of course, spots with good cell reception. Even in the apocalypse, Insta-worthy moments must be documented.

Step 3: Become the Surveyor of Your Domain: Now that you’ve gathered intel, it’s time to survey the land. Use your trusty compass to determine directions and sketch out rough estimates of distances. Imagine you’re on a treasure hunt for survival – X marks the spot where you buried your backup Twinkie stash.

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Step 4: Master the Art of Doodling: No, seriously, doodling is an art. Start sketching out your surroundings with a flair for the dramatic. Mountains don’t just have to be triangles, they can be the Everest of doodles. Lakes? More like majestic amoebas of hydration. The more epic your doodles, the more legendary your map.

Step 5: Code Your Way to Safety: Create a legend for your map. No, not the kind with knights and dragons (unless that’s your apocalypse vibe). Use symbols to represent different features – a skull for danger, a heart for potential allies, and a thumbs-up for that place with surprisingly good post-apocalyptic coffee.

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Step 6: The Nifty North Arrow: Every map needs a North arrow, and yours is going to be the coolest one in the wasteland. Put your artistic skills to the test – a funky arrow, a bold N, or maybe an elaborate design that only you can decipher. Because in the apocalypse, even compasses deserve a touch of flair.

Step 7: Emergency Escape Routes FTW: Think of your map as the GPS of the apocalypse. Mark potential escape routes, hidden passages, and shortcuts. Remember, you’re not just a cartographer; you’re a post-apocalyptic urban planner.

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Bonus points for labeling these routes with dramatic names like “The Expressway to Evasion.”

Step 8: Embrace the Power of Color: Who said maps have to be drab? Grab some crayons or markers and unleash your inner Picasso. Color-code different zones – green for potential resources, red for danger zones, and maybe a nice pastel for the area where you plan to start your post-apocalyptic commune.

Step 9: The Legend of ‘Here Be Mutants’: Let’s face it; there will be mutants, and they need their place on your map. Draw friendly mutant territories, hostile mutant territories, and maybe even a neutral zone where you can negotiate with the more diplomatic mutants. You’re the Lewis and Clark of the mutant world.

Step 10: Laminate Like Your Life Depends On It: Your map is a precious artifact. Protect it like you protect your last can of beans. Laminate that bad boy, so it survives rain, zombie slobber, and any other apocalypse-related liquids. Attach it to your belt, wear it as a cape – just keep it close.

Congratulations, survivor! You’ve just crafted the most epic map in the post-apocalyptic world. With your compass in hand and your map at the ready, you’re now the cartographic hero of the wasteland. So, strap on your adventure boots, channel your inner explorer, and navigate the apocalypse with the swagger of someone who knows that, in the end, the best path is the one you doodle yourself. Happy map-making, wasteland wanderers!

Nailing the Apocalypse: DIY Nail Art for the End Times

Greetings, fellow survivors and nail art enthusiasts! In the midst of the apocalypse, who says you can’t rock some killer DIY nail art? Join me on this confident and casual exploration as we delve into the world of apocalyptic nail aesthetics. Because let’s face it, even in the end times, a fresh coat of paint can make all the difference.

1. The Practicality of Apocalypse-Ready Nails: Picture this – you’re scavenging for supplies, building makeshift shelters, and confronting the challenges of survival. Now, imagine doing all that with beautifully manicured nails. Apocalypse-ready nails aren’t just about aesthetics; they’re a statement of resilience and practicality. Short, sturdy nails with a touch of creativity can be both functional and fabulous.

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2. DIY Nail Art Essentials – Limited Resources, Unlimited Creativity: In the apocalypse, resources may be scarce, but creativity is limitless. Raid abandoned stores for nail polish, repurpose old brushes for intricate designs, and embrace the freedom of expression. Apocalypse DIY nail art is all about making the most with what you have – turning remnants of the past into a canvas for self-expression.

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3. Functional Fashion – Nails as Tools: Your DIY nail art isn’t just for show; it’s functional fashion in the apocalypse. Long, sharp nails might be impractical, but a well-maintained set of short, painted nails can be a subtle weapon, aiding in tasks that require precision or even providing a makeshift tool for survival situations.

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Functionality meets fashion in the most unexpected places.

4. DIY Apocalypse-Inspired Designs:

  • Barbed Wire Bliss: Achieve the rugged look with a base color reminiscent of rusty metal, then add barbed wire designs using a thin brush.
  • Toxic Tips: Embrace the post-apocalyptic vibe with a neon green base and toxic symbols or biohazard signs for a look that screams “I survived.”
  • Radiant Resistance: Paint your nails with vibrant colors inspired by sunsets, adding silhouettes of iconic apocalyptic symbols like gas masks or shattered buildings for a touch of rebellion.

5. Therapeutic Nail Art – A Moment of Calm Amidst Chaos: Amidst the chaos of the apocalypse, take a moment for therapeutic nail art. It’s not just about the final look; it’s about the process.

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Sit back, breathe, and let the strokes of color on your nails be a calming ritual, a reminder that self-care can thrive even in the toughest of times.

6. DIY Nail Art as a Form of Identity: Your DIY nail art is a canvas for self-expression, a unique form of identity in a world that’s been reshaped. Whether it’s a subtle pattern, a bold statement, or even a hidden message in Morse code, your nails can tell a story. They become a personal emblem, a testament to your resilience and style in the face of adversity.

7. Limited Edition Nail Polish – The Apocalypse Collection:

  • Dystopian Dusk: A deep, moody shade reflecting the twilight of the old world.
  • Rustic Rebel Red: A color inspired by the resilience of survivors who endure.
  • Nomadic Neutrals: Versatile shades for the wanderers, adapting to the ever-changing landscapes of the apocalypse.

8. Community-Building Through Nail Art: In the apocalypse, connections matter. Share your DIY nail art skills with fellow survivors.

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Create a makeshift salon, trade nail polish, and turn nail art into a communal experience.
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It’s not just about looking good; it’s about fostering a sense of community and solidarity.

DIY nail art in the apocalypse is more than just a beauty trend; it’s a statement of survival, creativity, and identity. From practicality to functionality, therapeutic rituals to community building, your nails can become a canvas for resilience and style. So, fellow survivors, grab your makeshift nail polish palette, express yourself boldly, and let your DIY nail art speak volumes in the post-apocalyptic world. Nailing the apocalypse has never been so stylish!

For-profit Corporate Care Centers: Why Don't Corporations Literally Invest in Children?

With all the children living on the streets, in orphanages, or in prisons, maybe the best solution to the issue of these discarded children is one we haven’t tried yet: For-profit Corporate Care Centers.

Okay, hear me out. I understand that corporations, even though they can sometimes be considered people, can’t provide everything children need to be successful humans. Mainly, a loving household and the social-emotional whatever that teaches children how to act right in society. However, corporations can afford to hire people to provide those things. Continue reading “For-profit Corporate Care Centers: Why Don't Corporations Literally Invest in Children?”

I tried to make a Community for fun and profit and everyone died [Community Inc.]

Community Inc. is a video game that would fit in a crossroads of genres.

Those genres that Community Inc. bridges are hard to define though they’re mostly exemplified by:

  • Black & White – a God Game Simulator with citizens to tend to and keep happy
  • Viva Piñata – a garden-based life simulator with a community of individuals who each offer something different and outsiders to protect from
  • Sid Meier’s Civilization – a turn-based strategy game centered on world domination via tile acquisition and resource leveling.

tinyBuild tried something different by taking aspects of different kinds of games and putting them into Community Inc. Afterall, Community Inc asks the player to create a whole, fully-functioning community – that they can then sell to new overlords.

The difficulty is that all these aspects are available and in the mix right from the start. Citizens’ happiness, resource planning, enemies, contracts, and more are all fighting for space on the player’s list of things to do. Continue reading “I tried to make a Community for fun and profit and everyone died [Community Inc.]”

Prepare you mind for the apocalypse.