Map-Making 101: Navigating the Apocalypse

Alright, survivors-in-training, listen up! The end of the world is nigh, and you’re thinking, “How the heck do I navigate this post-apocalyptic maze?

” Fear not, because today we’re delving into the art of map-making – a skill that’s more crucial than knowing which canned goods are the tastiest. So, grab your compass, dust off your sense of adventure, and let’s craft a map that even Indiana Jones would be proud of – casual, comedic, and confidently crafted.

Step 1: Gear Up Like a Cartographic Boss: Before you embark on your cartographic journey, make sure you’ve got the essentials. A backpack, some paper, a few pens, a compass (because you’re not Magellan), and, of course, a snack – because map-making works up an appetite. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, throw in a hat for that explorer aesthetic.

Step 2: The Great Reconnaissance Mission: Time to channel your inner spy. Sneak around your area, take notes, and observe. Mark down significant landmarks – like that really gnarled tree that looks like it’s flipping off the sky. Note potential resources, danger zones (zombie nests, anyone?), and, of course, spots with good cell reception. Even in the apocalypse, Insta-worthy moments must be documented.

Step 3: Become the Surveyor of Your Domain: Now that you’ve gathered intel, it’s time to survey the land. Use your trusty compass to determine directions and sketch out rough estimates of distances. Imagine you’re on a treasure hunt for survival – X marks the spot where you buried your backup Twinkie stash.

Step 4: Master the Art of Doodling: No, seriously, doodling is an art. Start sketching out your surroundings with a flair for the dramatic. Mountains don’t just have to be triangles, they can be the Everest of doodles. Lakes? More like majestic amoebas of hydration. The more epic your doodles, the more legendary your map.

Step 5: Code Your Way to Safety: Create a legend for your map. No, not the kind with knights and dragons (unless that’s your apocalypse vibe). Use symbols to represent different features – a skull for danger, a heart for potential allies, and a thumbs-up for that place with surprisingly good post-apocalyptic coffee.

Step 6: The Nifty North Arrow: Every map needs a North arrow, and yours is going to be the coolest one in the wasteland. Put your artistic skills to the test – a funky arrow, a bold N, or maybe an elaborate design that only you can decipher. Because in the apocalypse, even compasses deserve a touch of flair.

Step 7: Emergency Escape Routes FTW: Think of your map as the GPS of the apocalypse. Mark potential escape routes, hidden passages, and shortcuts. Remember, you’re not just a cartographer; you’re a post-apocalyptic urban planner.

Bonus points for labeling these routes with dramatic names like “The Expressway to Evasion.”

Step 8: Embrace the Power of Color: Who said maps have to be drab? Grab some crayons or markers and unleash your inner Picasso. Color-code different zones – green for potential resources, red for danger zones, and maybe a nice pastel for the area where you plan to start your post-apocalyptic commune.

Step 9: The Legend of ‘Here Be Mutants’: Let’s face it; there will be mutants, and they need their place on your map. Draw friendly mutant territories, hostile mutant territories, and maybe even a neutral zone where you can negotiate with the more diplomatic mutants. You’re the Lewis and Clark of the mutant world.

Step 10: Laminate Like Your Life Depends On It: Your map is a precious artifact. Protect it like you protect your last can of beans. Laminate that bad boy, so it survives rain, zombie slobber, and any other apocalypse-related liquids. Attach it to your belt, wear it as a cape – just keep it close.

Congratulations, survivor! You’ve just crafted the most epic map in the post-apocalyptic world. With your compass in hand and your map at the ready, you’re now the cartographic hero of the wasteland. So, strap on your adventure boots, channel your inner explorer, and navigate the apocalypse with the swagger of someone who knows that, in the end, the best path is the one you doodle yourself. Happy map-making, wasteland wanderers!

Survival Skills Checklist: First Aid and CPR [Certified CHECK]

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Are you fat enough to survive the zombie apocalypse?

Howard Schneider takes an odd look at politicians to determine if they’re fat enough to survive the apocalypse…

Governor of New Jersey at a town hall in Hills...
Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, at a town hall in Hillsborough, NJ 3/2/11 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If they’re super-fit and fat-free, are they better off when the dead rise?

Or would New Jersey’s Republican governor, Chris Christie — the self-proclaimed “healthiest fat guy you’ve ever seen” — fare better in a food-deprived environment with his stored surplus energy?

Might our female politicians — say, a comfortable-in-the-wild Sarah Palin or Iraq veteran Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) — tap their survival skills, as well as women’s generally higher body-fat percentages, and take control?

What about President Obama? Thin, yes, but not in that amped-up way that makes you think he’d fall apart if he had to hunker down for a couple of days without a GNC JackedPack.

[via The Washington Post]



Flooding hits Alberta province, forces 75,000 people from their homes in Calgary

Oh no. Pray for Char and the moose and the other Canadians — even Chad and Avril–, it looks like the earth is rearing up to wash away the plague that is humanity (specifically Canadians)…



Great Britain

Official Trailer for Cockneys vs Zombies (Coming to the US August 2nd 2013)

Who’d win in a fight, a zombie or your granddad? What about a race? These are the deep questions that will be answered in the upcoming Cockneys vs Zombies.

A native of the East End of London, born within hearing of the ringing of the Bow Bells

A supernatural power or spell that according to voodoo belief can enter into and reanimate a corpse

The Bow Bells Care Home is under threat and the McGuire’s – Andy, Terry, and Katy – need to find some way to keep their grandfather and his friends in the East End, where they belong. But, when you’re robbing a bank, zombie invasions makes things a lot harder. And let’s face it, they need all the help they can get when their bank-robbing experts turn out to be Mental Mickey and Davey Tuppance. As contractors to an East London building site unlock a 350-year old vault full of seriously hungry zombies, the East End has suddenly gone to hell and the Cockney way of life is under threat. Equipped with all the guns and ammo they can carry, it’s up to the gang to save the hostages, their grandfather, and East London from zombie Armageddon.

[via Hulu]

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