Why assumption will get you killed.

There’s a saying ‘To Assume makes an Ass out of U and Me’. I hate that saying, because it’s stupid and because it uses the American ‘ass’ and as far as I’m concerned that’s a donkey. I think that the saying should be ‘Assumptions will mean you starve to death or die of cholera’ but admittedly that’s not very catchy. However, it is much more accurate. Making assumptions probably won’t turn you into a donkey, but it will get you killed.

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Obsessed with the End.

On this website we say that we are ‘obsessed with the apocalypse, in all it’s trivial detail’ and I think that’s true. But where does such an obsession start? How does it get it’s claws in someone? How does it turn a sweet- if somewhat strange- child into a paranoid, constantly planning freak?

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Where do you see yourself in five years?

I have never answered this question honestly. My concern over the apocalypse forces me into a state of constant paranoia and readyness. Even typing this update, I am aware of three ways out of my house; where the nearest weapon is; where the nearest armour is and the best place to go for initial shelter. It’s time to be honest.

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What's The IDEAL reaction?

So, the other day I was yelling at the TV and throwing things, wondering why people keep hiding “up there”, or “in front of the glass doors”, or “without checking that.” It makes my heart hurt to see people trap themselves in a precarious position then chill for a breather. You are not safe!

Maybe that’s just television theatrics doing its best to keep me engaged.

Maybe they have a psychologist on staff who’s shrugging saying, “Yeah. People would really hide upstairs on the balcony after leaving a trail of blood behind to lead the hunters right to them. Overall, people aren’t very bright.”

Well, our lack of intelligence is supplemented by a use of tools and relay-able knowledge.

I started to wonder if maybe someone had thought about best practices for surviving dangerous situations. Like “Stop, Drop, and Roll,” when you’re on fire; or, ICE (Ice, Compression, Elevation) for when you’ve injured yourself.

Continue reading “What's The IDEAL reaction?”