Likely Apocalypses: A list

With the Rapture in the news a little while ago, Char asked all our readers what their apocalypse looked like. I commented (as did many others) but thought on it a little more. I spent quite some time thinking, and eventually, I came up with a list of apocalypses, from least likely to most likely. Then I thought of what you and yours could do to survive them.

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Being selected by natural selection

Despite what some people think of him and his theories, Darwin was definitely onto something when he came up with natural selection. He was right, too—only those who’ve adapted enough to survive in a particular environment will, well, survive.

If you think about it, post-apocalyptic Earth will be natural selection come to life. People who can’t adapt to their new environment will die. Or they’ll be eaten by zombies, turned into vampires, or assimilated by aliens and/or evil robots. Either way, they won’t be around to share their lack of survival skills.

If you’ve managed to live long enough to get to the post apocalypse (meaning you didn’t die during the apocalypse itself), then you’ve got a leg up already. Congratulations, you’re one of the survivors. But don’t think this means things are going to get easier. Oh no, the hard part’s just begun.

Because now, you have to stay alive.

Good luck with that.

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Climate and your Survival- Guest post by Jess Shanahan.

You may have thought about weapons, defences, food and water, but what about the climate? The weather can affect the way in which you move, how you hunt and where you shelter. Knowing how to handle the changing seasons, erratic weather patterns and temperature differences can determine whether you live or die.

The type of apocalypse comes into play quite heavily here. If the world came to its end by a nuclear explosion then there’s radiation to think about. If zombies are staggering about then you need to take into account weaponry



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Post-apocalyptic babyproofing

The last time my toddler tried to climb the oven door to see the fun things that were happening on the stove, I had this crazy picture flash into my head. It was of my toddler climbing the ruins of a building somewhere in post-apocalyptic Earth and then falling off, only to be impaled by some random ruins below (or eaten by zombies that happened to be wandering by).

I realized a few things after this mental image popped into my head:

1. My daughter follows this climb-fall cycle far too often.
2. I have an overactive imagination.
3. What the hell are parents going to do for babyproofing post-apocalypse?

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Post-apocalyptic ceremonies.

Ceremonies are important- every human culture has them. They mark our passage through life, from birth, through adulthood, marriage, parenthood and death. Without them, your post-apocalyptic society may not collapse, but it will lack cohesion- it will be less of a society, and more of a loose collection of individuals. It’s time to think ceremony.

Now, there won;t be the time and resources to perform the ridiculous, over-ornate and costly ceremonies that exist in the west, but ceremonies will still need to exist. ANd as a leader, you will probably have to lead them, in order to solemnise them and make them seem legitimate in the eyes of your followers. Cermonies have another advantage, one the church exploited in medieval europe- if someone misbehaves, you can restrict their access to these necessary markers, effectively making them a non-person. Cunning, hey?

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In Case of Apocalypse, Your Government is in Control

I’ve noticed in my hunt for preparation and survival tips that the government, at all levels, has resources available to aid in self-preparation. Sure, it’s up to you what you do with this information; but, boy is it there and in abundance.

Some cities, South Lake Tahoe in California for instance, have volumes of emergency protocols and plans online. Unfortunately, they’re kind of outdated… On the other hand, some advice is priceless.

These plans cover and define everything from winter storms to terrorism. They’re fascinating, if you have a morbid fascination with disasters and disaster preparation, like I do.

If your state, county or town doesn’t have the plan in place to prepare you for safety in the face of disaster there is no need to fret. Disaster is an equal opportunity antagonist. You can look at the prep plans of a state that might face similar perils as your area but with fewer budget constraints and better online presence.

My home state, Massachusetts, has extensive emergency preparation plans you can use as templates, brainstorming kindle or straight up as they are.

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Survivalists who need glasses

You may have noticed that all three of our major contributers wear specs. Because of this I was filled with an almost unholy glee when our stats showed us that someone had found our blog using that search term on google (although I was mildly confused at the fact that 39 people found us through searching for ‘Tia Dalma’). But then my apocalypse-obsessed brain got to working on this concept. After all, what does a survivalist who needs glasses do?

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Do you have your apocalypse survival plan ready?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is ready for the zombie apocalypse.

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They released their zombie survival plan last week.

A survival plan isn’t a bad thing. It can help you in the midst of the apocalypse, when you’re fighting the urge to run screaming for the hills (assuming those hills aren’t overrun with zombies). It can even be helpful now—a plan for surviving zombies or evil space monkeys or whatever can probably get you through, say, a mutating flu virus outbreak. Or a hurricane. (Not saying it’s guaranteed, because I can’t guarantee anything, but I’d say it’s probably a safe bet.)

So what information do you need to include in your survival plan?

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