For all inquiries, listed or not : please fill out the contact form below.
Some guidelines if you would you like to…
have your fiction story posted on the site?
have us try out and review your product or service (this would include written work)?
Writing for In Case of Survival
We’re looking for articles, short fiction and reviews as long as they have an apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic theme.
We would love to have your contribution to the site! Start by reading the site and getting a feel for the kind of content we produce. Keep in mind we fully admit there is no rhyme or reason for any trends you may notice…
We’re a little silly, slightly petty and extremely concerned with life after the apocalypse. Now that you have some idea what we’re about, fill out the contact form with an overview of what you’d like to post on the site and a brief bio to be featured along with your post.
Having your fiction posted on In Case of Survival
We love apocalyptic fiction! We also love to share good stories with our friends and like-minded others.
If your story has been written, read, edited, re-read, and polished and you like to share it with us and our audience for no monetary compensation, then we’d be happy to consider featuring it on our Apocalyptic Fiction section.
To make it happen fill out the contact form with a brief bio and your story in the comment section.
Requesting a review or sponsored post of your product or service by In Case of Survival
Please fill out the contact form at the top of the page.
All sponsored posts will be marked as such and it will be clear to our readers how we obtained the product and if this is a review or a spotlight post.
Reviews are our honest and uninfluenced opinions of things (be warned, while we love a great number of things, we may not like some other things). Spotlight or sponsored posts are just bringing attention to a thing. We often will do these types of posts without prompting because we like a lot of things and stuff, otherwise we’ll clearly label our sponsored posts as such.
Hello feisty survivors! I love this thing you are doing. I have read a bunch of your articles and am honestly pleased to have found what I think is a great sense of humour and a cool approach to the coming Zombie Apocalypse.
I am a Canadian Guy who has a girl as one of my closest friends and she is a girl like you guys, except that she is already packed, locked and loaded and looking for that wondrous morning of New Life. I am prepared and yet am still open to many improvements in my plan.
I hope to enjoy the rest of your articles as the days roll on and perhaps share some of my survival wisdom with your readers.
I’ll register as Rob
Most sincerely
Robert the Sane, CD, BSc. eng.
Ottawa, Canada
We’re glad you like what we’re doing. And the zombie apocalypse is a genuine worry, but we here at ICoS don;t discriminate: We’re also worried about nuclear apocalypse, meteor apocalypse, hyper-intelligent animal apocalypse (I for one don’t trust badgers one jot), A.I apocalypse, worldwide starvation apocalypse…