Watch Out: Lucy Garland Psychotic Bunny Makeup Tutorial

For some bizarre reason, Lucy Garland’s youtube channel only has about 100k subscribers.  This is insane considering her talent and production level. Sure she mainly focuses on avant-garde drag queen recreations… Hopefully, you’ll take a gander at the gem below and realize this woman could be the edge you need to make your next Patient Zero costume.

Sure the bunny portion might not be for everyone, but the  infected sickness version sure is.

Do you want to:

  • Trick your mom into letting you stay home from school for a straight week?
  • Win best costume without having to really make a costume?
  • Convince the government you’re recording your last will and testament while dying in a hovel in the jungles of South America?

Watch Lucy Garland in the Psychotic Bunny makeup tutorial below:

Obviously, now you’re deeply interested in Lucy Garland’s talents. No one blames you.

If you’re a hard sell and need additional evidence of the amazing Aunty Entity (Tina Turner in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome) possibilities you can achieve with her guidance, here are some of her instagram gems:

tried @sashavelour face, loved it! Eyebrows 10/10

A post shared by LUCY GARLAND (@lucygarland) on

A post shared by LUCY GARLAND (@lucygarland) on

A post shared by LUCY GARLAND (@lucygarland) on

Also, you’re welcome.

Interview: The Vegan Zombie

I was excited to find out about The Vegan Zombie, a post-apocalyptic themed cooking show. Not jsut a cooking show, either – there’s a story to this baby.

While I’m not a vegetarian of vegan myself, I was for a while and I understand just how hard it is to find delicious, practical meals to make – and how much harder would that be post-zombie. It’s not just for vegetarians or vegans – all our followers who enjoy eating might find this useful. After all, ready-killed, skinned, cut and pre-packaged meat is going to be a bit thin on the ground.

For your delectation, an interview with Chris from The Vegan Zombie.

vegan zombies 2First off, tell us a little bit about The Vegan Zombie.

Well, I’m Chris, the creator and producer of The Vegan Zombie. Jon is the charismatic host of the show and Indy is the German Shepherd sidekick. Basically we do a vegan cooking show that is set in the zombie apocalypse. We prepare delicious zombie-free recipes that simple and easy to make.

What gave you the idea?

I got the idea one day while driving the back roads of upstate NY for work. I began thinking of a way I could mash up my love of the horror genre with my longtime vegan lifestyle in a cool way. That gave me the idea of The Vegan Zombie. I went home and began writing a movie script. I have always loved making videos and movies with my friends and family, especially horror. The script is a full-on zombie apocalypse story in which the infection originated through the meat and dairy that people were consuming. There is a twist at the end which will explain why we chose the name TVZ. To make a long story short, I put making the movie on the back burner and decided to start a youtube cooking series with the same concept. Jon is the lone survivor and is a little crazy. He’s always talking about zombies and making food. In some of our episodes he is fighting zombies and gets into some pretty tight situations.

How easy are the recipes to make? Could I make them while huddled around a fire in desperate fear for my life?

Yes, for the most part our recipes are really easy to make. There are some that are more labor intensive but we have something for everyone. We aim to make mostly vegan comfort foods to replicate that kind of foods that non vegans say they can’t live without. For example, we have a vegan version of cheesesteak called the No Killy Philly and we have pizza rolls and cheese sticks all vegan. We also have healthier raw foods for the health conscious folks. Yes, I said folks. Anyway, our show is for everyone. We have an non judgmental atmosphere and a lot of people make our dishes once or twice a week who aren’t even vegan.

Now for the questions we ask everyone:

What is the most likely apocalyptic scenario?

I’d say the most likely apocalypse would be of a viral origin. Kind of like 28 days later or WWZ. Something scientific that affected our brains and caused primal instinct to take over with no rational thought would be the most plausible out of the apocalyptic scenarios.

Any survival tips for our readers?

Stay away from populous areas. Aim for the head. Keep calm, you’re smarter than a zombie. Think about this, everyone associates zombies with brains. But unless someone’s head is cracked open they are most likely not gonna eat your brain. It’s too hard to get to. Your flesh and guts are what they will eat. Wear clothes that are not easy to bite through.

Are you OK with living under the benevolent dictatorship of myself or the other two ICoS ladies?

Well that all depends, I think we’d have to meet you all first before we answered that one. 🙂

Trust me, we’re great. Now tell us anything you want about anything you want.

We are currently doing a kickstarter for our cookbook, Cook & Survive, which will be out later this fall. It is full of our all vegan recipes and it will have a graphic novel that illustrates the adventures of TVZ. You can check that out here

You can follow us on youtube, FB, twitter, IG and other social media sites.
PHEED: TheVeganZombie


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Zompire Apocalypse RPG

There’s a new online RPG shuffling our way, and it looks like it could be a hell of a lot of fun.

Zompire Apocalypse is set in 2057 after a disease created zombie/vampire hybrids to plague the living. Now, there are only three groups left alive – and you can play as a member of one of them!

Continue reading “Zompire Apocalypse RPG”

Web Series: The Resistance

The Resistance is a short web series set in a future where everyone has a disease that only one company has the cure for and that company isn’t about to give their best selling product away for the greater good.

The show is short but well-produced and action-packed introducing the cast or rebels in episode one with a violent Robin Hood-style robbery of a vaccine shipment.

Built on interlocking mysteries and growly bad-ass secretive protagonists, The Resistance is a great way to pass 15 to 20 minutes for a week or watch in one fell swoop as a movie as the SyFy channel aired it.

I think it’s worth checking out even though it’s not a long series or even an on-going series.

Currently, episodes one and two re available for free on Hulu.

Summary from the official The Resistance site:

Set in the dying world of Aurordeca, The Resistance is an action-packed thriller revolving around an epic tale of destiny and revenge. Syrus Primoris, a brilliant chemist, has taken control of the ten regions of Aurordeca in the wake of a devastating plague. Half the population is already dead. It is only Syrus and his miracle suppressant, Noxe, that can keep the other half from succumbing to the virus. In exchange, the people grant Syrus absolute power. Only one group stands in open opposition to the regime. The Aurordecan Resistance Movement (ARM), led by the fierce and driven Lana. ARM sees Syrus for the despot he truly is and fight tirelessly to find a cure for the disease and to free the people from their enslavement to the suppressant. But everything changes through a chance encounter with a mysterious and deadly drifter, Arclite..

I’d say this series is good enough to fill the gap between books you’re reading or shows you’re watching on Netflix if you want to give yourself a bit of a break without committing to anything too big.

Self Promotion- Dusk: Origins

If you don’t like Self-Promotion you may want to look away now.

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I know, it’s terribly shocking and disgusting that I’d use a blog I write for to promote something else I write for. How dare I assume that people who enjoy my writing in one venue may enjoy it in another?


Dusk: Origins is a super-special, previously super-secret project I have been having a lot of fun and good times with, and I want you to go check it out. But- I am aware you can’t do that without knowing what in the hell is going on, so I will help you.

Continue reading “Self Promotion- Dusk: Origins”

Must read: Days with the Undead.

By now you know I love blog serials.

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Like, a lot. I tell you to read them at every available oppurtunity.

And why not? They’re basically free novels that you read chapter by chapter. What’s wrong with that?

Well, I’ve found another good one, and if you don’t read it I’ll chuck you out of my survival compound to die in the wastes.

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So there’s that going for it.

Continue reading “Must read: Days with the Undead.”

The Apocalypse- ONLINE!

There are plenty of survivalism blogs out there- you can see a few of the best in our links folder- but in general they’re very serious. You may have guessed by now that while we’re serious about surviving the end days, we’re a little more focused on the post-apocalyptic living bit. We’re sort of a post-apocalyptic lifestyle blog at this stage, and we’re OK with that.

And as a result of that focus, I’ve become a bit obsessed with online post-apocalyptia. By which I don’t mean the other survivalist blogs, I mean people tweeting and blogging as if they already live in an apocalypse. I love these. I love them so much.

Continue reading “The Apocalypse- ONLINE!”

End of The World Entertainment: Hollywood Wasteland

Free entertainment is the best entertainment. Entertainment is also one of our best recourses for preparing for the apocalypse. You get the option to sit comfortably without the threat of injury or physical exertion and consider what you would do if you were in a given apocalyptic situation.

In that very vein, along comes Hollywood Wasteland, a plucky comedy about all the people you’d never want to be stranded at the end of the world with — your friends.

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Continue reading “End of The World Entertainment: Hollywood Wasteland”