Likely Apocalypses: World Wide Nuclear War

Let’s expand on some of the likely apocalypses we touched on back in our list of likely apocalypses.

First up in the list of likely apocalypses: World Wide Nuclear War

Nuclear war may be inevitable, but we have been lucky so far. However, we shouldn’t kid ourselves that the end of the cold war has made the threat of the nuclear war an irrelevance. In a lot of ways, things are more dangerous than ever. There are two nuclear powers who refuse to play nicely with each other in Pakistan and India, then there is the newly armed and unpredictable North Korean regime, and a belligerent Russia keen to reassert its power to the world. According to analysts, there is a 5% chance that a nuclear war could happen every decade.

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All it takes is for someone to press the detonation button. A single US stealth bomber can carry 16 B83 nuclear bombs. Each of those bombs can produce 75 times the yield of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, and a single Trident submarine can destroy over 40 million people. Continue reading “Likely Apocalypses: World Wide Nuclear War”

Post-apocalyptic survival: Lessons from The Book of Eli

Recently, I watched the movie The Book of Eli (I know, I know, you’re probably saying “Welcome to 2010.

” But I’m generally behind when it comes to watching grown-up movies. I’m a mom; it’s an occupational hazard.)

Anyway, while watching this movie I noted a few take-away lessons. Not the least of which is that if you have a religious book in your possession, that religion’s deity will protect you such that you become impervious to bullets. (Until your mission is completed, that is. After that, all bets are off.)

But not all of us will be so lucky.

Continue reading “Post-apocalyptic survival: Lessons from The Book of Eli”

Likely Apocalypses: A list

With the Rapture in the news a little while ago, Char asked all our readers what their apocalypse looked like. I commented (as did many others) but thought on it a little more. I spent quite some time thinking, and eventually, I came up with a list of apocalypses, from least likely to most likely. Then I thought of what you and yours could do to survive them.

Continue reading “Likely Apocalypses: A list”