Winter Apocalypse Movie Round Up

Sometimes, here in the northeast, we have snow days. No, not just for school children, we get them for adults too. Another strange northeastern behavior: Every winter we act like it’s the first time we’ve seen or driven in snow. We have headlines comparing the weather to the apocalypse and news stories about what records the current cold or snowfall is breaking.

This year, we had almost no snow and nearly no days with the temperature below freezing. I didn’t mind it, not in the least, but it was a strange perspective to have on the months of November through February.

Well, due to our underwhelming and mild winter and the start of daylight savings time I thought it appropriate to log some hours indulging in other people’s winter-related misery.

Unfortunately, most of these movies are really bad made for TV SyFy channel movies…

The one-sentence summaries are provided to help set the scene. But, I didn’t summarize the movies because, honestly, for some of them, there are just no words. They’re generally inexpiable thing you have to see to believe. Continue reading “Winter Apocalypse Movie Round Up”

Apocalyptic Movie: MONSTERS

I like rummaging through the slush on Netflix streaming and seeing if there’s anything I can sit through. Sadly, it’s not often I can find something in the apocalyptic genre worth sitting through much less worth recommending. The bucket seems to be heavily populated with made-for-TV movies that couldn’t make it on TV and what seem to be student projects. But sometimes I find a gem.

Monsters was one of these gems. The film is beautiful in a way that only science fiction and fantasy can manage. The characters are deep and real, and the environment is immersive. Continue reading “Apocalyptic Movie: MONSTERS”

Post-apocalyptic survival: Lessons from The Book of Eli

Recently, I watched the movie The Book of Eli (I know, I know, you’re probably saying “Welcome to 2010.

” But I’m generally behind when it comes to watching grown-up movies. I’m a mom; it’s an occupational hazard.)

Anyway, while watching this movie I noted a few take-away lessons. Not the least of which is that if you have a religious book in your possession, that religion’s deity will protect you such that you become impervious to bullets. (Until your mission is completed, that is. After that, all bets are off.)

But not all of us will be so lucky.

Continue reading “Post-apocalyptic survival: Lessons from The Book of Eli”