The Apocalypse- ONLINE!

There are plenty of survivalism blogs out there- you can see a few of the best in our links folder- but in general they’re very serious. You may have guessed by now that while we’re serious about surviving the end days, we’re a little more focused on the post-apocalyptic living bit. We’re sort of a post-apocalyptic lifestyle blog at this stage, and we’re OK with that.

And as a result of that focus, I’ve become a bit obsessed with online post-apocalyptia. By which I don’t mean the other survivalist blogs, I mean people tweeting and blogging as if they already live in an apocalypse. I love these. I love them so much.

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Spotlight on: Stylish Post-Apocalyptic Armour.

Armour is important. Like, really important. It stops you from dying. So I’ve sepnt some time searching the net finding armour that’s stylish and effective. No, you don’t have to thank me yet- wait and see how you feel after you’ve spent some money.

Why? Because most of the stuff I landed on this time is really high end. On the other hand, it’s beautiful and stylish. And how will anyone take you seriously post-apocalypse if you don’t at least look the part?

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Post-apocalyptic landscape: What to expect.

Post Apocalypse, the world is going to change. That’s the single most obvious thing I’ve ever said, and the regular readers of this blog are currently pulling an exaggeratedly ‘stupid’ face. But humans have a tendency to assume things will stay how they are. Even though we know things change, when change actually happens, we act as if someone just kicked our puppy in front of us.

So, I’m not being stupid. Think of it as trying to drum the obvious into your thick skulls.

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Practice your survival skills with a Zombie Obstacle course.

Do you live in or near Baltimore? Are you worried about your survival rate in a zombie apocalypse?

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Run forYour Life could be the thing for you.

Continue reading “Practice your survival skills with a Zombie Obstacle course.”

Sensible rules for Post Apocalyptic communities

Since the dawn of time, communities have needed rules to live by. You’d think it would be as easy as saying ‘don’t be a dick’ , but it turns out it’s not and you have to spell out exactly what you mean by that.

Now the problem I’ve seen with most existing community rules is that everyone and their mother feels like they can interpret it to suit them while ignoring the intent. So as a simple basis, I’m going to say when writing your community rules make them simple and understandable. Tell your community why these rules exist, and point out that as things change some of them may not stay relevant.

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I’m going to include my rules here.

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Now these are just a template, feel free to adjust and change them as you see fit.

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We’ve told you about Baddies. We’ve suggested the types of people you might meet. We’ve informed you of things to take into account while forming your group.

Now I’m going to list a very specific group of people: Liabilities.

These are people who, despite their skills, despite their talents and charming personalities simply aren’t worth it. Any benefit to having them around is massively overshadowed by how extraordinarily likely they are to get you killed.

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The things I'll miss come the apocalypse.

So, some days I actually long for the apocalypse. You know, I stare at the world and think ‘please please please!’. In fact, just yesterday I told two Londoners that London was the reason I wanted an apocalypse- so it would be deserted and I could enjoy it properly. You know, without Londoners. Fortunately they’ve lived in Norfolk long enough that their immediate response wasn’t to glass me and take my wallet, so I was fine. Maybe a little verbally brutalised.

I’m getting off track.

The point is, that despite my almost certainly unhealthy longing for and obsession with the Big A, there are still some things I’ll miss.

Continue reading “The things I'll miss come the apocalypse.”

Allergies: a surprisingly high chance of death.

So, I have allergies. This is supposed to be good, as it means my immune system is horrendously effective (and it’s true, while I get a lot of colds, serious things don’t take me down that easy). Now, this is going to come across a bit first world problems, really, but being allergic to common-place every day things sucks. It sucks now, in a time when if it’s really bad I can go to the Dr’s and get a prescription for an effective antihistimine. How much worse is it going to be when I don’t have recourse to my usual coping methods?

Continue reading “Allergies: a surprisingly high chance of death.”

Likely Apocalypses: A list

With the Rapture in the news a little while ago, Char asked all our readers what their apocalypse looked like. I commented (as did many others) but thought on it a little more. I spent quite some time thinking, and eventually, I came up with a list of apocalypses, from least likely to most likely. Then I thought of what you and yours could do to survive them.

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Post-Apocalypse reading-Impressions: JailBreak by Harry Shannon and Steven W Booth

Jailbreak is a free short story available from Smashwords.

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