Can't Live Without [July '17]

Crayon Shin-chan

Starting the day with the news is horribly depressing. Instead, I watch cartoons. Specifically, this summer, I’ve been all about watching Shin-chan on Hulu.

When I get up and start my putzing about, I put on the Chromecast and stream Shin-chan.

Completely vulgar, inappropriate, and satirical, this show has it all. Ass dance? Got it. Joking about things that are no laughing matter? Yup. Parents regretting all their choices and just trying not to get sued? All day? Teachers, who only teach because it’s the job they happen to have? Check.

Crayon Shin-chan is a wonderfully cynical and sunny way to kick off the day. Continue reading “Can't Live Without [July '17]”

I'm 100% here for Debris (the video game)

Today I stumbled across a new game coming out in October called Debris by Moonray Studios.  This is an indie game that feels big but doesn’t feel like it’s trying too hard or doing too much.

Indie games come out every ten minutes.

However, quality indie games are diamonds in the rough. This game is looking pretty shiny. There are a vast amount of research and unique perspectives built in.

From the trailer alone the artwork, voice work, and quality are all top notch.

It’s a breath of fresh air[1. Pun completely intended] to come across a game like Debris. The developer, instead of creating something based on what they think people want, made a game based on what they know they’re good at.

Check out the trailer and press release below:

Continue reading “I'm 100% here for Debris (the video game)”

Can't Live Without [June '17]

One-Punch Man

I recently crawled out from under my very cozy rock and discovered One-Punch Man. Actually, I was researching Anime Inspired Workouts on YouTube when I found a clip from One-Punch Man and decided I needed more of that in my life.

Light-hearted violence and dark humor are some of my favorite adjectives.  They’re also perfect descriptors for One-Punch Man. I could go on and explain what One-Punch Man is about but it really is self-explanatory.

Normally, being the lazy, easily distracted, C-student that I am, I avoid subtitled anime. If I wanted to read, I’d fall asleep with a book on my chest. I haven’t been able to find One-Punch Man dubbed, only subbed and lo and behold this has not deterred me. I get amped up watching (and reading) One-Punch Man on the treadmill.

Hyperbole has a real way of hyping me up. Continue reading “Can't Live Without [June '17]”

Post-Apocalyptic Beauty Ideals

Maybe youll be pretty after the apocalypse…

It’s hard to say.

Society often defines beauty by what it finds important or aspirational at the time. Should women look serene because they don’t have to work hard, strong to evidence her ability to preserver, fertile indicating they can convive and bear children, or maybe like expensive acquisitions?

Today an attractive woman by general, societal standards is hardly the first person anyone would choose to be part of their post apocalyptic band of survivors. Shit, most of the women on magazine covers and starring in CW shows wouldn’t even make durable sex slaves for longer than a few days. It would be a waste of a raiding party to go out and grab some flimsy-ass women who’ll last less time than the hunt.

Continue reading “Post-Apocalyptic Beauty Ideals”

Ruin is a thing of Post-Apocalyptic beauty.

Ruin is a short film – around 9 minutes – by Oddball Animation. A simple story set in a post apocalyptic world.

And it is BEAUTIFUL. Stunningly animated with wonderful music.

Seriously. Look.



Wasn’t that lovely? That is how I like my post-apocalyptic worlds. Overgrown, crumbling and filled with remnants of old tech. Someone needs to give Oddball Animation a boatload of money to make a feature length thing. I would watch it, and so would you.

Quick Survival Tip: Keep a Hair Elastic Handy

Hair elastics are not just lady utilities.

These little buggers are true multitaskers if you give them the opportunity.

They are, after all, essentially upgraded rubber bands.

These things are fairly cheap and you can almost always find a use for them yourself or someone in need of using them.

One of the major points of survival preparation people often over look is being able to convince other people they not only shouldn’t kill you but should also find your continued existence necessary.

First of all, a hair elastic can do all the jobs of a rubber band and more.

Women are not keen on tying their  hair with the ladder but always seem to be in need of the former. Be a reliable, practical, mini-hero.

Other uses include but are not limited to:

  • A way to add grip to a handle (wrap securely around the handle a few times)
  • A tool for securing pants that are too big or too small (Too small: slip the elastic into the button hole, loop both sides over the button. Too big: slip the elastic through a belt loop then loop both sides of the elastic over the button [this is a messy look and should be avoided if possible])
  • A way to secure things (figure it out as needed)
  • A way to get someone’s attention (either quietly get the attention of a friend or divert a foe’s attention elsewhere. Also, if you’re on watch and worried about falling asleep, wear the elastic around your wrist and snap it every time you notice yourself drifting off.)

The list goes on.

Post-apocalyptic Fashion: What to Wear

It’s a tricky prospect. The world’s ended, but you still want to look good. The new existance demands a certain aesthetic, but it also demands practicality. And where on earth are you going to find your new clothes? Well, as in all things, I am here to help. Number One tip: Buy your survival clothes long before it becomes an issue. In this article, I do half the work for you. You just have to click the links and spend the money!

Continue reading “Post-apocalyptic Fashion: What to Wear”

Post-apocalyptic beauty tips

With Tavia being concerned about where to get her hair done, and me being the vainest creature on two legs, this is a genuine concern for me.  And people look strangely at you when you admit that, when you tell them that among the normal concerns about post-apocalyptic living you are also worried about how to keep your skin from shrinking in on itself like a moldy apple.

Looking like this- not ideal

So I’ve put a lot of thought into this- usually while lounging in a hot bath and applying one of a dozen quirkily named expensive products to myself. And I have decided that after initial concerns have passed that the first thing I’m going to do is raid the beauty section of the department store.

But what about when that stuff’s gone? What will I do? I will make my own cosmetics, with readily available ingredients.

Continue reading “Post-apocalyptic beauty tips”

But, where will I get my hair done?

I’m kind of obsessed with my hair. And, by kind of, I mean I have to start listing it as a hobby to justify the amount of time I spend paying attention to it. It’s not even tricked out. Just hair on top of a head. an inordinate amount of hair that took years to grow and takes hours to condition and comb or style, but really, just hair.

In a post-apocalyptic world, I’m going to be throughly screwed on the hair front.

Continue reading “But, where will I get my hair done?”