Quick Survival Tip: Keep a Hair Elastic Handy

Hair elastics are not just lady utilities.

These little buggers are true multitaskers if you give them the opportunity.

They are, after all, essentially upgraded rubber bands.

These things are fairly cheap and you can almost always find a use for them yourself or someone in need of using them.

One of the major points of survival preparation people often over look is being able to convince other people they not only shouldn’t kill you but should also find your continued existence necessary.

First of all, a hair elastic can do all the jobs of a rubber band and more.

Women are not keen on tying their  hair with the ladder but always seem to be in need of the former. Be a reliable, practical, mini-hero.

Other uses include but are not limited to:

  • A way to add grip to a handle (wrap securely around the handle a few times)
  • A tool for securing pants that are too big or too small (Too small: slip the elastic into the button hole, loop both sides over the button. Too big: slip the elastic through a belt loop then loop both sides of the elastic over the button [this is a messy look and should be avoided if possible])
  • A way to secure things (figure it out as needed)
  • A way to get someone’s attention (either quietly get the attention of a friend or divert a foe’s attention elsewhere. Also, if you’re on watch and worried about falling asleep, wear the elastic around your wrist and snap it every time you notice yourself drifting off.)

The list goes on.

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