Today I stumbled across a new game coming out in October called Debrisby Moonray Studios. This is an indie game that feels big but doesn’t feel like it’s trying too hard or doing too much.
Indie games come out every ten minutes.
However, quality indie games are diamonds in the rough. This game is looking pretty shiny. There are a vast amount of research and unique perspectives built in.
From the trailer alone the artwork, voice work, and quality are all top notch.
It’s a breath of fresh air[1. Pun completely intended] to come across a game like Debris. The developer, instead of creating something based on what they think people want, made a game based on what they know they’re good at.
Hellraidsounds kind of like Hungry, Hungry Hippos at the end of the world… kind of. If the marbles were enemies and trying to kill you as well as points. Also, your fellow hippos had malicious intentions when it comes to your survival…
Techland has formally announced Hellraid, a first-person co-op slasher that offers two games in one: a single-player, story-driven campaign of hack & slash action; and unique, co-operative multiplayer that pits four players against the denizens of hell – and each other – in a battle for points, rewards and fame.
[Source: Games Press]
Well, I’m interested. After playing Left 4 Dead 2 and Diablo 3 with three friends and loving it more than brownies [1. God, I love brownies].
The Hellraidvideo reminds me of Diablo 3 but less aw inspiring. The description in the press release even sounds like Diablo 3 with the dungeon crawling and looting and hell monsters.
The armies of Hell brought pain and destruction to the realm of man, and only a select few have the fighting skills necessary to confront the devilish monstrosities. Combining elements of hack & slash RPGs, first-person shooters and online multiplayer games, Hellraidfeatures an advanced, immersive combat system with melee, ranged and magical weapons. The engaging Game Master system makes each game a different experience, placing loot and enemies while generating random online challenges.
With exploration, looting, questing, weapon crafting, boss fights, armor customization, character development, leaderboards, magic and so much more, Hellraidis set to drag you straight to hell later this year (the release was pushed to 2014) on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.