Good Old Harold Camping.

He’s decided that the world will be ending on the 21st of October, and that unlike his previous prediction that it will be a painless death for all us sinners and heathens.

Aww, how sweet. How nice to know.

This is after the last two or three predictions. Which were wrong. He’s not got the best track record on this.

Continue reading “Good Old Harold Camping.”

The Rapture

Today either is, or isn’t the Rapture. Let’s face it, probably ‘isn’t’. We’ve been getting a huge number of new visitors from Rapture based searches, and I just wanted to say: Hello, Fellow Paranoids!

Regardless of whether the Rapture has occured or not, there is still a lot of survival based stuff to learn. We hope you stick around, and figure out how to survive a more likely apocalypse. Like hyper-intelligent animals, or cats with thumbs. Or genetically engineered plants.

Take a look around, figure out your best survival techniques. Our archives are listed by topic down the side there. Start with all the posts listed in ‘Basic Survival‘, and if nothing’s kicking down the door to your house, read the rest. And if you can think of something we haven’t covered, and you want to write for us, please do contact us at info @ incaseofsurvival .com.

Don’t forget to join the facebook group, ‘like’ the official facebook page, and follow us on Twitter.

Note: If the Rapture has happened and you’re still here- God has abandoned you, you may as well start looting.*




*Please make sure the Rapture has actually happened before you do this.

I Met Family Radio Fanatics and All I Got Was This Pamphlet

So, I went to lunch today and who do I see walking in front of me on Boylston Street?! YES. A Family Radio Fanatic. He was a sweet old man who explained I still had time to “cry out for mercy,” and said, “God bless” to me. And of course I said it back. I’m damned, not rude.

Crying out seems so shameless and flashy, though. Is it too late for simple repenting?

Continue reading “I Met Family Radio Fanatics and All I Got Was This Pamphlet”