Zombies grow in your neighborhood in Fleck

Fleck is an new in-browser game by Self Aware Games about defending your territory from the most adorable zombies ever.

You sign up, choose an avatar with a vague resemblance to you, and designate a location. You can situate yourself in you actual home or anywhere else in the United States. Locations are generated using Google Maps integration.

Your avatar makes an effort to live and in their own little private Idaho or Bel Air, where you choose to live by building a house and growing a garden. Unfortunately, zombies in the Fleck universe also grow in gardens and “zombies hate plants.”

During the introduction of the game, a knowledgeable avatar walks you through the steps of surviving the zombie infested landscape of the Fleck dimension.

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Self Promotion- Dusk: Origins

If you don’t like Self-Promotion you may want to look away now.

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I know, it’s terribly shocking and disgusting that I’d use a blog I write for to promote something else I write for. How dare I assume that people who enjoy my writing in one venue may enjoy it in another?


Dusk: Origins is a super-special, previously super-secret project I have been having a lot of fun and good times with, and I want you to go check it out. But- I am aware you can’t do that without knowing what in the hell is going on, so I will help you.

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Child transportation in the post apocalypse

Okay, so, my post last week was a total anomaly. I won’t even link to it :-p. This week’s post also has pictures, but they’re pictures of real things. (No, really, they’re real.)

Let me explain. Last week, Ann asked me if I’d thought about how I’d transport my kids in the post apocalypse. One of her friends has a child who’s roughly the same age as my oldest, and sometimes this child gets tired after walking around for a long time. Because who wouldn’t?

So, then, we thought, how do you transport your kids if they’re too big to carry, but too young/small to have the energy and stamina to walk everywhere? Nowadays we have strollers and such, but will they still be around in the post apocalypse?

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Disaster struck and we were mostly ready…

The last weekend of October is normally about trying not to eat all your Halloween candy before strange, disguised children can com to your door and beg for it. this year, though, it was about flashlights, candles, two-player Uno and extra socks.

Yes, my husband and I were caught in the the Halloween Snowpocalypse of 2011 (Read: An icy October snowstorm in 2011 that, combined with the weight of leaves still being on the trees, resulted in a number of broken trees and downed power lines leaving about 2.5 million homes without power.). At 9:30 our home went dark and the lights in our souls dimed a bit.

I knew exactly where to find the flashlights and the candles, we had warm clothes and blankets galore, and food was a non-issue. Unfortunately, once we were set up I started to notice the flaws in my planning.

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Why The CDC is My Favorite Government Agency

The only thing worse than having a boring job is having a boring job that involves relaying boring information to people who have no interest in your latest report about whatever you’ve been on about in that sad little corner of yours. The CDC is the kid with the rock collection on show-and-tell day.

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Sure there’s loads of facts and “interesting” things you can learn about hand washing, but NASA went to the moon.

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Well, the CDC is taking the gloves off (then carefully washing their hands up to their elbows for 45 seconds) and bring out the pop culture references.

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They realized that zombies are hot right now and hell if that mess isn’t right up their alley.

Infection, plague, contagions, and wide-spread chaos? Jackpot!

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A cartoon, drawn badly and with stick people

The plague is currently kicking my ass, so I’m not exactly in the right frame of mind to write many coherent sentences in a row about one specific topic (because that requires thinking).

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But I didn’t want to ignore y’all. I couldn’t do that. So what’s a girl to do when she’s too virus-addled to think?

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Why, draw a picture, of course! Using MS Paint, naturally. And since I can’t draw my way out of a paper bag, with a computer or otherwise, it’s a really terrible drawing. (This is why I don’t draw. Not even stick people.)

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Post-Apocalyptic Graphic Novel (Comic): The Scourge

UPDATE: Got an email from a nice man at Aspen Comics who says, “Scourge is currently scheduled to go Digital in late January or early February. Keep checking our fb page and follow us on twitter for the latest updates.” Yay!

Sometimes a Zombie isn’t the worst thing you could become or watch others become. The sick and the shambling, we know how to fight them—with sticks and stones. But what about full-on demonic-style transformations from man to beast?

In apocalyptic scenarios, there’s always the fear that the mutations on center-stage might not be the only mutations that have occurred. We worry if animals might turn as well as people. We worry that after the walking dead come the running dead. And in Aspen Comics’ The Scourge, we worry if after the gargoyles, comes The Devil.

Yes, gargoyles.

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Bullying Prevention Can Increase Our Chances of Survival

Although it’s almost over, let’s not forget that October is National Bullying Prevention Month. With our eyes on the youth of first-world societies and their inability to act like civilized human beings, too often tormenting one another to death, we forget where they learn it from.

Civility is a taught behavior. Unfortunately, many adults seem to think being grown is the same thing as acting right. They forget that hate crimes are not youthful indiscretions but evidence of an ailing society where some give themselves permission to prey on others based on minutia. Rarely is prey selected based on anything actually dangerous (Zombies, Vampires, Brain Slugs) or chosen by the individual (Mad scientists, Militias). Rather the prey are selected based on the basic Us mentality.

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Zombie wasps promote anarchy and parasite life cycle

A few days ago, Tavia sent me a link to a story that disturbed me. Actually, it freaked me the hell out, and kicked up my paranoia by a few many notches.

You know how we’ve all pretty much said that a zombie apocalypse is unlikely? We might be wrong about that. Because the zombie apocalypse is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.

Okay, so, it’s happening to wasps, but it’s still happening. (I know, right? The apocalypse cometh.)

There is a lovely little parasite with a Latin name I can’t pronounce (vesparum something), whose larvae burrow into the belly of the European paper wasp when the two species make contact. (Let me repeat that. BURROWS INTO. As in, tunnels through this thing’s belly. Ew. And ow.)

Continue reading “Zombie wasps promote anarchy and parasite life cycle”