I spend a ludicrous amount of time thinking about the apocalypse. Never about dying in it though; I’m not some kind of sad sack. I think long and hard about life after the apocalypse and the kinds of supplies I might need not only to survive but also to thrive happily.
What will I eat? What should I wear? Do I currently own appropriate footwear? Could it be that hard to fire a gun; bludgeon a grown man; or not get bodily fluids in my eyes, nose, or mouth?
It’s hard to say.
I mean I don’t go running every day on the off chance there might be a race between a zombie, some other survivor, and me. I’ve got Blackness and determination on my side. I may be chubby, but I strongly believe that as long as something is chasing me, I can run fast. It might be the ugliest running anyone has ever witnessed, but it’ll get me there. And when I get there, I’m locking the door behind me whether or not you’re still with me.
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