Post-apocalyptic Politics: The Death Penalty

I’m going to continue Char and ann’s death talk trend this week. Especially since just yesterday I had to extinguish a life for crossing me wrong.

Now, mind you, this life was attached to a spider who’d mistakenly made its way into my bag and probably couldn’t have gotten out if it wanted to. But it was huge and aggressive looking and in MY bag. Spiders can do as they please in the great outdoors but in my bag, in an office building, in the city? You’re gonna die.

This minor infraction[1. To some people who give a shit about spiders and don’t mind reaching blindly into their dark bag to reach back out with a meaty little eight legged monster attached to their arm.], a wrong turn in the wrong neighborhood, resulted in Devil Spider’s vilification and eventual death. Would I have done the same if I had the means and found someone trespassing in my safe spot whilst trying to survive?

[2. Not likely. Maybe. Hard to say, really.]

In survival situations we know there will be non-mutated predators simply out to take advantage of those weaker than they are, and we know there will be times when we’ll have to weigh the value of someone else’s life against “the greater good.” But when it comes to consequences for crimes and trespasses against us, how do we determine severity.

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What's The IDEAL reaction?

So, the other day I was yelling at the TV and throwing things, wondering why people keep hiding “up there”, or “in front of the glass doors”, or “without checking that.” It makes my heart hurt to see people trap themselves in a precarious position then chill for a breather. You are not safe!

Maybe that’s just television theatrics doing its best to keep me engaged.

Maybe they have a psychologist on staff who’s shrugging saying, “Yeah. People would really hide upstairs on the balcony after leaving a trail of blood behind to lead the hunters right to them. Overall, people aren’t very bright.”

Well, our lack of intelligence is supplemented by a use of tools and relay-able knowledge.

I started to wonder if maybe someone had thought about best practices for surviving dangerous situations. Like “Stop, Drop, and Roll,” when you’re on fire; or, ICE (Ice, Compression, Elevation) for when you’ve injured yourself.

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