Book review — Plan and Prep: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse by Alex Newton

Disclaimer: While the author and I are Twitter acquaintances, I did not receive compensation for reviewing this book, nor did I receive a free copy for review.

This review was first published on my blog. The link to the original review is here.

This book is available from Amazon in both ebook and print formats.

Amazon blurb:

Plan and Prep: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse is an introductory guide to emergency and disaster planning and preparation.

This book follows Bill Jones and his family as they navigate their way through a series of emergency and disaster events, culminating in the outbreak of a Zombie Apocalypse.

Plan and Prep: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse walks the reader through basic planning and preparation techniques and attempts to answer most of the more basic questions before they are asked. Areas that are often overlooked by beginners are explored, and some of the more common misconceptions are discussed.

This book does not claim to be a survival handbook, so if you’re looking for a how-to book about how to become Survivorman(TM), you’re reading the wrong book.

Also, note that Plan and Prep: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse isn’t actually about zombies–not the Hollywood kind, anyway. It does include zombies, but not the undead-eat-your-brains version that are currently prevalent in movies and TV.

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Thinking of the apocalypse during the holidays

As I said last week, I’ve got family visiting for the holidays, so I haven’t had much time to do much of anything that doesn’t involve Christmas (or touristy things, hehe). So I thought I’d have to put the apocalypse to rest until January (because the apocalypse needs a holiday too).

Then while putzing around Amazon, I found some Kindle deals, and bought a thriller called The Breach for $0.99. (Haven’t read it? You should. Go read it. I’ll wait. Why are you still reading this post?


And THEN I discovered that it was the first book in a trilogy. Because of course it is. So I skipped off to the Kindle Store and bought the second book, Ghost Country (at full price). Because of course I did. And guess what?


Because of course it does.

Image from

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