
In a moment of madness I asked my twitter followers what they’d like me to write about.

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They said a Sexocalypse. Yeah.

So, that’s what I’m doing. Needless to say this is probably not safe for work.

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Zombie wasps promote anarchy and parasite life cycle

A few days ago, Tavia sent me a link to a story that disturbed me. Actually, it freaked me the hell out, and kicked up my paranoia by a few many notches.

You know how we’ve all pretty much said that a zombie apocalypse is unlikely? We might be wrong about that. Because the zombie apocalypse is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.

Okay, so, it’s happening to wasps, but it’s still happening. (I know, right? The apocalypse cometh.)

There is a lovely little parasite with a Latin name I can’t pronounce (vesparum something), whose larvae burrow into the belly of the European paper wasp when the two species make contact. (Let me repeat that. BURROWS INTO. As in, tunnels through this thing’s belly. Ew. And ow.)

Continue reading “Zombie wasps promote anarchy and parasite life cycle”

How Do You Know If Your Friend Is Going To Turn Zombie?

Usually a zombie is clearly a zombie. But sometimes you’re not sure if it’s paranoia cocking your gun and pointing it at your friend’s head or logical detachment.

He has a wound and it’s bloody. No one, not even him or the zombie whose attack he just survived can be sure he hasn’t been exposed. How do you know he won’t turn? What if he’s the one zombie who turns and still walks and talks normally while picking individuals in the group off one by one when no one is looking? Some kind of serial killer predator zombie…

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