10 Ways To Keep Up Morale In an Apocalyptic World

The apocalypse isn’t going to be exactly ‘chipper’.

However, there’s no reason it has to always be gloomy, either.

As much as we like to think that the apocalypse will be nonstop, action packed fighting, that just won’t be the case. Maybe for the first few weeks, but there will certainly be downtime.

During this downtime, it’s important to keep up your morale so you can keep on keepin’ on, instead of checking out early.

Here are a few ways to keep up your morale:

Deck of cards: I know, this sounds cliché, but keeping your mind focused on playing a good ol’ game of Poker or Go Fish, will keep you from thinking about all the horrible things going on around you.

iPod: If you happen to have a mini solar panel in which to charge up your iPod, you’ll be able to hear your favorite songs. If only to get one song out of it, take your iPod with you and charge it as often as you can. Music is a great morale booster, and with the power of a solar panel, you’ll be able to hear your favorite music every now and then.

Traditions: Keep up traditions. Such as birthdays and holidays and any other fun traditions you might have had before the apocalypse broke loose. Keeping traditions alive will let you know that not all is lost and you can still find some enjoyment through celebration.

Picture(s): Pack a couple pictures from a really happy time in your life. There’s nothing wrong with remembering the past, especially if it puts a smile on your face.

Vitamins: Keeping your body healthy will keep your mind healthy and ultimately keep you happy.

Book: Take your favorite book and read a few sentences every now and then. Being able to escape the apocalypse through a good book will be invaluable.

Enjoy the little things: Maybe you stumbled upon a beautiful field of daisy’s; relish in the moment for as long as you can.

Smile: Sounds corny, but the act of smiling instantly makes you feel happier.

Talk: Talk about the good ol’ times. Talk about what’s going on around you. Talk about what you’re going to do when the apocalypse is over. Keeping everything inside will just make you miserable.

Talking things out will keep up your spirits and relieve you of stress, which will also make you miserable.

Take time to yourself: Lastly, take a few moments to yourself. Lay out in the sun. Take a nap. Kick a tree. Whatever you decide to do, do it all by yourself away from the group.

What else do you think you can do to keep up morale?

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