Disaster struck and we were mostly ready…

The last weekend of October is normally about trying not to eat all your Halloween candy before strange, disguised children can com to your door and beg for it. this year, though, it was about flashlights, candles, two-player Uno and extra socks.

Yes, my husband and I were caught in the the Halloween Snowpocalypse of 2011 (Read: An icy October snowstorm in 2011 that, combined with the weight of leaves still being on the trees, resulted in a number of broken trees and downed power lines leaving about 2.5 million homes without power.). At 9:30 our home went dark and the lights in our souls dimed a bit.

I knew exactly where to find the flashlights and the candles, we had warm clothes and blankets galore, and food was a non-issue. Unfortunately, once we were set up I started to notice the flaws in my planning.

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Hello you.

I’m Anninyn, and I will be writing for In Case of Survival. I have been obsessed with surviving the apocalypse since I was six years old, when I woke up at three in the morning CERTAIN that nuclear bombs would drop on us very soon.

I assumed that my best chance of survival would be information and knowledge.

I am here to share my gathered knowledge with you. Bear in mind I live in the UK which means my information is best applied to similar environments.

I also use British Standard Spelling.