Good Old Harold Camping.

He’s decided that the world will be ending on the 21st of October, and that unlike his previous prediction that it will be a painless death for all us sinners and heathens.

Aww, how sweet. How nice to know.

This is after the last two or three predictions. Which were wrong. He’s not got the best track record on this.

“Probably there will be no pain suffered by anyone because of their rebellion against God,” Camping said.

He added, “This is very comforting to all of us because we all have children, we all have loved ones that are dear to us that we know are not saved and yet we know that they’ll quietly die.”


Lest you believe us to be hypocrites, dear reader, let me just point out that while we obviously believe the apocalypse is a major threat, we don’t think it can be predicted. In fact, most of us don’t think it will happen in our lifetime. We just think it’s better to be prepared for something and not need to be than the other way around.

Also, we’re dangerously obsessive nerds.

But, Camping. You’re wrong. The world won’t end on the 21st, cause God wouldn’t be such a dick as to wave Skyrim in front of my face and kill me before I get a chance to play it.

Hear that, Rapture? No happening till after I’ve played a good few hundred hours of Skyrim.

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